
SMART CITY online 2020

"THE FUTURE OF SLOVAK CITIES AND REGIONS AFTER THE CROWN OF THE CRISIS” was the main topic of this year's SSCC conference, which took place on December 9, 2020 from 9:00 to 12:00 as a live stream transmission from the premises of the University Science Park TECHNICOM - a member of the cluster of the Technical University in Košice. See the whole conference: https://archiv.nti.sk/archive.php?vid=6504761KWMK7GB11##videoplayer THANK YOU for your participation in the follow-up contributions of our guests and cluster members. More…...
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ANTIK Telecom is part of an important project

The KSCreativity4WB project tackles the challenge of low citizens’ engagement and lack of trust in public institutions. Contemporary cultural heritage will be used as an interface between the city and its citizens in order to increase civic participation and public well-being. A Citizen Experience and Well-being Institute (CXI) will be established to collect and display evidence-based data to decision-makers and the public. For this, the project will create a Mobile Urban Laboratory to visualize data through media art installations and…...
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Slovak Smart City Cluster received a significant European certificate

SSCC Bronze Label Certificate 2020 Slovak Smart City Cluster participates in the certification of cluster organizations within the ECEI Cluster Management Benchmarking, which is organized by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) of VDI / VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH in cooperation with the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA). The aim was to obtain a Euro pean assessment and recognition recognized by cluster managers and policy makers across Europe. Since 2008, more than 1,100 cluster management organizations have…...
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