
Slovak Smart City Cluster received a significant European certificate

SSCC Bronze Label Certificate 2020 Slovak Smart City Cluster participates in the certification of cluster organizations within the ECEI Cluster Management Benchmarking, which is organized by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) of VDI / VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH in cooperation with the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA). The aim was to obtain a Euro pean assessment and recognition recognized by cluster managers and policy makers across Europe. Since 2008, more than 1,100 cluster management organizations have…...
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KOTRA news

A member of the SSCC KOTRA - Business Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea informs every month about its activities - news - contributions in its Newsletter. You can find the newsletter in the EXPRESS section at: https://www.kotra.or.kr/foreign/main/KHEMUI010M.html?LOCALE=en...
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Workshops in Trenčín

SSCC as a partner of the project "Smart concepts in the management of local and regional development" is co-organizing a series of workshops these days to inform the professional public about the current state of activities by experts. By exchanging information between invited experts from the city of Trenčín, representatives of self-government and public administration, professional public, representatives of professional groups, the creators of the Smart concept of the city of Trenčín will obtain the necessary information for coordination for…...
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