About us

Our mission

Integrate the capacities of the whole range of institutions, self-governing bodies, business entities in favor of development and implementation Smart City concept and urban regions in Slovakia. Slovak Smart City Cluster is aware that term “smart” is very often associated only with technological aspects, underlines the fact that technologies represents only a part of “smart” quality.

Technological innovations can be effectively and efficiently used for the benefit of people only if they are connected with human needs and at the same time understandable, accessible and easy to use for different social groups of the population.


The current economic and social development of the EU Countries, including Slovakia, is closely connected to the development of a knowledge- based society intervening in all spheres of social life. Cities and urban regions as places of concentration of economic, social and cultural activities play a role of driving this development and represent the driving force of an innovative economy, use and evaluation of knowledge and invention in the position of technical and technological, as well as social innovations.


We understand the term Smart City as covering and integrating concept for various areas of the city development and its background naturally affecting wide range of subjects, communities and individuals. Although Smart City concepts have similar elements for cities and urban regions, each must be as specific and unique as every city and urban region is, with special needs and capabilities to take advantage of the latest technologies, social, economic and technical innovations.

Members of the Board of Directors

Peter Blaas

Member of the Board

Michal Sekáč

Member of the Board

Ján Michlík

Member of the Board

Peter Oravec

Member of the Board

Maroš Finka

Member of the Board

Milan Orlovský

Member of the Board

Igor Wzoš

Chairman of the Board



Stanovy zdruzenia Slovak Smart City Cluster 2017


Program statement


Membership application SSCC 2017 .pdf


Membership application SSCC 2017 .docx


About SSCC


Zápisnice SSCC 2017


Zápisnice SSCC 2018


Zápisnice SSCC 2019


Výročné správy SSCC
